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Showing posts from June, 2020

Visiting the Uncertain Utopia

Ever wondered how it looks to live in a world where there is no future and no past – you were born and died at the same time but yet you are alive to read this article. Welcome to the "Quantum Realm". Life When you toss a coin, you can either get heads or tails, but in this world of Uncertainty, you are bound to get both or none at the same time! When you are walking, you are located everywhere – India, US, UK, Australia, etc. When Virat Kohli is hitting a ball in the World Cup, it is both a wicket and a six. Imaginable? Yes, it is possible in my world – "Uncertain Utopia". To be precise, you don't have a life but what occurs is "God plays dice", which is assertive of Einstein's "God doesn't play dice". Probability is the Government Coming to Science, it is the pure probabilistic approach to understand the system. Mathematically, if there is an event which can give two outcomes, then either of them will occur with a 5...


Animal cruelty, also called animal abuse is the abuse toward or neglect of an animal. Some details of animal cruelty involve deliberately pushing animals in circumstances that harm, scare, and terrorize them, while others simply result from people looking the other way. WWF says, “Biodiversity underpins the health of the planet and features a direct impact on all our lives.” Reduced biodiversity means millions of people face a future where food supplies are more vulnerable to pests and diseases, and where freshwater is in irregular or short supply. If biodiversity directly impacts our lives in such considerable ways, then it's safe to say that, conservation efforts not only just benefit the environment, but also benefit us. This cruelty towards animals is due to various reasons. For instance, 35% of people have an indifferent attitude towards animal cruelty. 15% believe that animals are men’s slaves. 50% believe that animals are exploited to fulfill various selfish interests a...


Who are said to be soldiers? The ones who fight against enemies, in the borders, to protect us. Right? Who said, fighting with a gun is the only way to protect people? Every human being is a soldier in their lives, in their field. But today, the MEDICAL STAFFS, who are continuously fighting to protect us from this deadly pandemic, are the real heroes of our society. Today the health workers, are constantly fighting against COVID-19 , making the night and day one. Neither can we see nor can we feel the presence of this virus being killed but of course we consider it as a universal enemy - the way the virus has proved itself to be deadly for humans, within a matter of months. Death toll in some countries is so high that they are having shortage of coffins to bury the dead. Humans are in such a confronting situation, where every day hundreds and thousands of patients are dying, and the doctors are handcuffed, due to limited medical infrastructure.      ...


How your health affects your looks and tips how to improve it Health and wonder are, in some ways, almost synonymous. All of the world’s most expensive skincare products and makeup won’t help us at all if we don’t take good care of ourselves. The best moisturizers will do nothing for skin that's constantly being exposed to harm and neglect, and our bodies will quickly become weak and frail if we stick to bad habits and poor lifestyle choices. Do you want to be more attractive? Then you must realize that the answer lies mostly within you, and what you choose to do each day. In order to assist you understand the connection between health and beauty, here we present a couple of ways different aspects of our life affect our appearance. EXERCISE As the celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyd where most of us tend to get the laziest. It’s difficult to stay consistent when working out, but the lack of physical activity doesn’t lead just to a wider waistline – cellulite, double chin...