Physics is a very
mysterious subject. Anything which you can’t see or you are unable to visualize
but can feel its presence or know that it really exists in the world, obviously
puzzles our thought. It makes us feel very afraid, too curious to know, and feels
our mind to be filled with all sorts of weird thoughts. Think of an instance,
you are alone in your room, and you can feel the presence of someone in your
room but you can’t see it. Obviously, you will be petrified and have goose
bumps in your body. Have you ever thought, that a day will come when your
existence on this planet will be questioned..!? Or one day, you woke up from
your sleep in morning, took the newspaper in your hand and the headline of the
first page is something like this: TWIN
OF US HAVE BEEN ULTIMATELY DISCOVERED. Obviously you will be having the
first thought in your mind that, are the scientists are employed in order to
find our twins?

There are many things in physics
which have been explained by theories, proved mathematically of its existence,
you can see various consequences due to presence of those invisible things
around you, but you will never be able to see those invisible things. Earth’s
Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Magnetic Force, are few examples among
many, of all these solved mysteries. But our world, has still lot of mysteries
to be uncurtained. And in these decade the
most heated topic is “Whether we are present in Universe or Multiverse?” Cosmology has become one of the burning topic
of the recent years in which many scientists are continuously indulging
themselves to bring out various new theories to solve the mystery of

Many centuries back, the dark
sky was full of mysteries with many unscientific myths, when Earth was
considered to be the centre and everything else like sun and stars used to
revolve around us. But people like Copernicus and Galileo appeared and told us
that it’s not the Earth, but the Sun which is the Centre and many other planets
including ours revolve around Sun. It was discovered that solar system is part
of Milky Way Galaxy. And it’s not the end but later found out that billions of
galaxies like us resembles universe. All
these ideas sounded outrageous at the time of the theories were proposed but
today we don’t even question them. But this topic is one step ahead: Whether
our universe or multiverse?

Now why this Inflation occurs?
The reason of this Inflation is of Dark Energy. The space between the different
bodies in universe is filled up with a uniform invisible energy like a uniform
invisible mist and the force generated by them is repulsive gravity, which will
make them to move far away from each other at a greater speed. Now the speed by
which the space is expanding can be calculated if we can find out how much the
dark energy space occupied. The number which has been found is really peculiar
and exceedingly large which is like this…………………………..
Now many of us will think
that that this really small number is of no use and it doesn’t matter anything
in our universe but to speak frank, this exceedingly small numbers do matter
the specify the nature of the particle and this gives the possibility for the
presence of multiple universes. This idea has been evoked from String Theory.
Now to understand better about
this multiverse, we have to understand WHAT
IS STRING THEORY? String Theory was discovered in order to unify all the
other forces in the nature. Let’s take an instance which will make of us clear.
A candle stand. Now if we go down into the candle stand, we have atoms. Deep
inside atoms there are innumerable number of electrons swarming around nucleus
made of protons and neutrons. Even neutrons and protons are having smaller
particles in them called quarks. When we observe much deeper into these quarks,
we can see vibrating strings. Now these emerges the string theory. Strings vibrate
in different frequencies determining the varieties in properties of the
particle. These particles thus determines the nature of the object. From these
string theory another contradiction arose that there may exist more dimensions
other the 3-dimension that we still know. It has been found that besides the 3-
dimensions which we can see by our naked eyes there may be other dimensions
that are so small, so microscopic that we can’t see them even through our best
microscope invented till today. Super
string theory suggests that there are only 10 dimensions consisting of 9 space
dimensions and 1 time dimension. In M theory, there are 11 dimensions
comprising of 9 space dimensions, 1 time dimension and 1 energy dimension.

Now, when we talk about the
historic bang, i.e., THE BIG BANG. This big bang has been initiated by quantum field, a type of fuel or energy
that can generate by its own and can make the space rush outwards. But by the INFLATIONARY COSMOLOGY, scientists
proved that this bang is not a special one for us, but this is one of the
common one like many other bang that happened and led the path for millions and
billions of other universes and or universe is one of the bubble in the grand
cosmic bubble bath in universe. Now, each of this universes will be having
different extra-dimensional, that means it will have different physical shapes,
different physical properties with different amount of dark energy. And we
exist here because the dark energy quantity allows the suitable conditions to
prevail and we can survive here.
us take an example of A DECK OF CARDS
which contains of 52 different cards. We have to distribute the cards among
three people. If we deal them, then everyone will get a different hand. But
over the course of many, many rounds eventually some of the combinations will
start to repeat. That because with 52 cards there is a limited number of
different hands to deal. So repetition in combination is quite familiar. And if
we consider multiverse, it also follows similar principle. With the laws of nature,
having limited numbers of fundamental materials of matter and particles,
repetition of formation of similar universe in this unlimited space is quite
not surprising.
Now, the question comes that
whether one day we would be able to prove the existence of other universes? For
your knowledge, this might happen one day. One day the cosmologists may
discover other universes. As the space is not statics and is expanding so other
universe may collide with our universe and we can observe the different
temperature change leading to the formation of hot and cold spots. Besides this
there may be another event that may happen. As our space is not static and
continues to expand at a greater speed, one day it might happen that all the
other universes, galaxies and stars would move far away from our technological
reach due to dynamic condition of space fabric and ultimately there would be a
dark inky space and the future cosmologist can end up with the idea that our
solar system is the center of the entire space.
So, at the end, I want to say a single thing that no one knows what will happen to us in our next second. Scientists are continuously doing their research to find out whether we are the single one or not in this entire galaxy. So, till then we common man lets wait for that day when you all will wake up, take the newspaper reading the headlines, "TWINS DISCOVERED"